
第四回世界創傷治癒学会(WUWHS 2012)

4th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies(WUWHS 2012)第四回世界創傷治癒学会が2012/9/2-6横浜で開催予定とのこと。

Scientific Main Topics は
1.Treatments and care of acute and chronic wounds
2.Development of new treatment modalities for wounds
3.Development of surgical procedures for wound care
4.Limb salvage and treatment/care for PAD, Diabetic foot, etc.
5.Innovation of regenerative medicine in wound treatment
6.Development of skin and wound care materials
7.Nursing and care for pressure ulcers, ostomy sites and incontinence
8.Advancement and promotion of wound care in Asian countries and developing countries
9.New research into wound healing


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